There were the heat wave, the 3digits temperature, the sun, the surf, the blooms of summer , the yard picnics, political campaigns, new beginnings, recreation, milestones, families. friends, travels and nostalgia that brought a life of heated wonderful summer blues.
JD and Einstein started their annual road trip to upstate New York while I finished my work to also
head to the Far East. Before my big trip I set aside to be sure I will be present in celebrating my
great friend Stephanie Watson's birthday at Eleanor's. I was able to manipulate my schedule in a way that I can be free that night. Once again the phrase if there is a will, there is a way worked!
What a great celebration and my favorite was her singing balloon which is really annoying! (I gave that to her.) Following day was another milestone to our great neighbor and family friend Herbert & Margit Schloesser in celebrating their citizenship. They are now an official USA citizen! Hurray!!!!
A flight distance of approximately 9, 600 miles travelled by car, plane, train and foot. Left USA on 14th of August and arrived Singapore on the 17th of August. It took me 3 days to reach the Far East, Japan and Singapore. It was planned way ahead for our group of special friends to get together and celebrate Ian's life . It was also a birthday month for Cris that played an important role in her life.
Unexpected turmoil happen in the Philippines where many parts of the country were affected by the storm and flooded. My family were not exempted but unhurt. For that we are very grateful. Unfortunately our friend Vicky and her family not only got flooded but also lost her Dad. Other's personal life took a toll on them. "When one or two are gathered in my name!".... I lifted this trip to HIM knowing that Em have made arrangements for our arrival despite the fact she herself been inundated with family gatherings and other social and family obligations. Moreover, I so wanting to spend time with Cris and celebrate her birthday too.
Another great memories been created. It was a blast! Thank you to Bill Butler for the nice room at the Grand Hyatt Hotel and a very impressive impeccable customer service. How can you not smile remembering those moments, how can you not shed tears of the past, how can you not rejoice sharing our tribulations and struggles, how can you not relax when you can open your heart and bear your soul to your true friends without worries. Then the reality strikes, time to say goodbyes.... although there was sadness, there is also that connection that whatever the future brings there will be a permanent place of each other in our heart.
It was another long journey to be reunited with JD, Einstein and our NY family and friends. I survived and joined the gang in NY. Family reunions, friends reunions, catching up and picked up where we left behind. The best part I get to spent time with Cindy Near, my first best friend in NY.
I love her to the point that it bothers me when I see her sad looks and make me sad too! I believe in her and she will just be fine. There is no greater joy than joy itself when you spent time with all those that means a lot to you... my sister Donna and her family and Cole..... our baby! Aunt Flav and her family, our darling friends John & Missy, Sue & Dave, Joe & Kathy, Andy & Toffie (North Carolina)...... and saying goodbye never get easy, ugh!
There is no place like home!!!! and sumer ends. We now welcome the BER months!
My first stop to the Far East Tokyo, Japan
Singapore watch out to these Exotic beauties!
Wining & Dining to celebrate Cris Birthday at Ku De Ta, Singapore
This is the boy that stole everybody's heart..... COLE !
Our family in New York
Einstein buddies in NY ..... ANGEL & MORGAN
A journal of the GIFT that I tried to handle with care but at times it gets challenging but then the GIFT became more precious on every step of the way where family, friends, collegues and people I met gives color to the dynamics of LIFE! Yet like a kaleidoscope, life is a complex pattern that constantly changing colors and shapes. These changes are truly the basis for living.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
She is like any other canine, spoiled to the extreme but at the same time will give you so much laughters and melts your heart to her tenderness. She is always aware when we are not happy and not conforming to her actions. Instead of fighting back she will in her power get to you to give her a hug.
She is a very calm dog and we thought will be great to be a theraphy dog where she and JD can volunteer in the hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions that needed one. They both went to classes and on two occassions they both failed. We laughed at it and thought for sure it was not Einstein!
Today while walking with Einstein in the neighborhood as always we need to stop many times to say hello to neighbors . Einstein loves the attention and she have always been good and polite for that matter. We have been walking for an hour and I was getting tired. As we passed on one of the sidewalks there was a baby coing in her stroller while the parents were loading stuff in the car. I guided Einstein to get off the pedestrian to pass through the stroller. Just a few steps away from the stroller, EINSTEIN pulled me and I pulled her back and said "let's go!". She jumped on me not once, not twice but three times. I was surprised for it was not her to do that! Her tail wagged crazy and most of the time it's because she is happy or she wanted your attention. She got mine and she stepped back so do I,
the baby was having a seizure, her eyes were all white! I screamed to the parents and the Mom immediately came to the rescue. I told them Einstein called my attention. They were aware and very
quick on what to do. I offerred to cal 911 but they got it under control and immediately left to ER they said. They were very very thankful to Einstein's perseverance on letting me know something is so wrong!
It was very creepy for me. It was my very first experience of a canine alerting a human that someone needs help!
I will never forget today and forever will be grateful to all the canine in this world. It only shows every living creature on this earth got a purpose. We all co-exist and we all need each other.
She is a very calm dog and we thought will be great to be a theraphy dog where she and JD can volunteer in the hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions that needed one. They both went to classes and on two occassions they both failed. We laughed at it and thought for sure it was not Einstein!
Today while walking with Einstein in the neighborhood as always we need to stop many times to say hello to neighbors . Einstein loves the attention and she have always been good and polite for that matter. We have been walking for an hour and I was getting tired. As we passed on one of the sidewalks there was a baby coing in her stroller while the parents were loading stuff in the car. I guided Einstein to get off the pedestrian to pass through the stroller. Just a few steps away from the stroller, EINSTEIN pulled me and I pulled her back and said "let's go!". She jumped on me not once, not twice but three times. I was surprised for it was not her to do that! Her tail wagged crazy and most of the time it's because she is happy or she wanted your attention. She got mine and she stepped back so do I,
the baby was having a seizure, her eyes were all white! I screamed to the parents and the Mom immediately came to the rescue. I told them Einstein called my attention. They were aware and very
quick on what to do. I offerred to cal 911 but they got it under control and immediately left to ER they said. They were very very thankful to Einstein's perseverance on letting me know something is so wrong!
It was very creepy for me. It was my very first experience of a canine alerting a human that someone needs help!
I will never forget today and forever will be grateful to all the canine in this world. It only shows every living creature on this earth got a purpose. We all co-exist and we all need each other.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
In life we encounter very important people, celebrities, politicians, icons. We considered those encounters moments in time and we will not forget and we will tell stories over and over to friends and families. Yesterday was different, my moment in time, my encounter was up close and personal and I consider yesterday a once in a lifetime opportunity and a part of history. Let me give you a glimpse:
Challenger, The Free-Flying National Anthem Eagle | ||
Yes an "AMERICAN PRIDE" .... Led by Captain TOM BUTTON and First Officer Doug Cook,
my fellow Flight Attendant Marissa Laursen and myself transported Challenger, Mr. Al Cecero
President of the American Eagle Foundation and one of the Wildlife Coordinator from Atlanta,
GA to Knoxville, TN on CRJ900 Flt.4080 5/29/12.
After we landed at the destination we were given an opportunity to personally meet
Saturday, May 26, 2012
For we all know May is the month of flowers where colors abound around us. It was only yesterday when I saw on my eyes the miracle of nature place on the bountiful colors of flowers when we went for dinner at our friends house, Gail & Dave Newman.
A sumptous dinner of the best kept secret of Newman's BBQ
An evening of delight and sheer laughter as we send them wishes of fun travel to Peru.
Looking back on the early part of May there were jubilations and emotional moments.
May 4, we celebrated the union of two people so much in love , Grace Lin and Daniel Sklar. It was very special for me for I was given the opportunity to be their wedding planner. It was so much fun working with them. They were both enthusiastic and very artistic. They were involved in the entire process. Indeed it was an elegant memorable evening!!!!
It was also on this day that we bid goodbye to CHICO beloved schnauser of Herbert and Margit Schloesser. Margit was so heartbroken that it was not easy for me what to say or not to say. CHICO was a lovely family member that captured their heart as well as ours.
May 5, Cinco de Mayo. We went to Monterey Mexican Restaurant with Janet Wilson, Gail Newman, Margit Schloesser and myself to listen to the music of our friend Doug Gazlay and met others there celebrating the occassion. We thought by taking Margit to a lively athmosphere will somehow lessen her sadness. But as the night darkens so was her heart.
The night was beautiful with the perfect full moon. As I gazed to the beauty, there was also the magical question of what was up there aside from what our naked eyes can gazed.

May 6, THE CELEBRATION OF HOPE GALA for the Huntington Disease Society of GA. This was the last year that our dearest friend Eva Duvall organized the event and she will also be passing the baton as President . It was a very successful event and it turned out the way she wanted it to be. ELEGANT and her speech came from her heart. It impacted every single soul that was present. The volunteers were few but effective. Everything turned out perfectly. The venue Glenridge Hall in Sandy Springs does not only gave us all history but in itself was a sight to behold.

May 12 A joint birthday celebration for Helene Marshall & Margit Schloesser. Girl's Lunch at Houston's Restaurant , We then proceeded to the Steve and Helene Marshall's home for cake and champagne.
May 13, Mother's Day and we celebrated at Peachtree City with Mom Cherry, my sisters Amy, Kathy and Beth together with our nieces. Week after that they came over for the weekend and fun we had as always.... the Happy Family!
May 23, we went to Little Falls NY to celebrate Dad Daniels 92nd Birthday. We also visited Aunt Flav. On our way back to SYR Airport we stopped at Michael and Erica's home and played with Cole. He is a very sweet lil gal! I love him to death!
May 27, we are celebrating our friend and neighbor daughter's graduation. Uli and Thomas Topps got 2 beautiful daughters that grew up so pretty and nice girls.... Vanessa and Isabel. Vanessa will be in College coming school year and Isabel will be driving in another year or two!
Some snaphots for the month of May.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
That took a lot of coordination and planning. As any friendship there will always be a drama involve otherwise it will be so boring ! MARY JANE YOUNG that I am proud to call my friend made our trip happenned. Here are some part of our paradise during a week of togetherness:

and Casino
Yes it was an exhausting, exhilarating day trip and lively nightlife...... The next morning Jane and I woke up in such a beautiful day and immediately ran to the beach and explore further the other nearby islands.
Before I forgot take a quick look at our room.
Yes we got our own jacuzzi! Huge breakfast and ready to hit the road again. We did the Safari Tour all day activity. We went to the Tobacco Museum, Sugarcane Plantation, Cacao Plantation and in the wilderness. I saw first hand small children waving at us along the rugged mountain road. Very welcoming and the sweetest smile. Saw the beautiful wildlife surrounded us freely roaming around not oblivious to the people around them. The most exciting part is our ZipLining and Horseback Riding. Jane and I were true troopers. Lunch we were served the typical local food. I love the Porkchops and the chicken cooked similar to the Filipino Adobo. Here are some photos for all to enjoy: 

There is no greater experience in all my travels than embracing the life of the local people. Seeing for myself their way of life and by doing so it gave me an awakening of life in it's simplest form give others contentment and happiness. It is in appreciating what you have been given in life. My heart says that and my body still want to go back to the easy way..... ahhhh! life in many forms!!!! It is in this content that Jane called me a "brat"!

WHERE IS PUNTA CANA AND BAVARO LOCATED? located on the beach in Punta Cana's Bavaro Beach neighborhood, close to Palma Real Shopping Village, Cocotal Golf and Country Club, and Dolphin Island. Other points of interest near this all-inclusive resort include Bavaro Beach and Golf de Bavaro.
Bavaro Beach Resort On the seafront of one of the 10 best beaches in the world, Barceló has a 2 km beach, the best in Punta Cana and protected by a coral reef that makes the pristine sea perfectly calm. The Barceló Bávaro Palace Deluxe***** hotel is found in this magical place and is characterised by its incredible levels of comfort and rest. This is made possible due to the new B-Room rooms that combine technology with the best beds on the market as well as raindance showers.
It was a unique gourmet experience for us with 11 restaurants throughout the Resort and not counting the bar in every turn (Mattie and I) never missed a turn. In the daytime you can relax by the ocean or by the pool. Jane and I opted to explore the city and the jungle. On our first day we went to Higuey.
This is Higuey Street where we stop for some cultural shopping and every stop we were offered the Mama Juana vitality drink. I brought home some. Bought a beautiful Oil Painting only it did not reach home. I lost it between transferring from hotel to airports. But I will not forget the beauty of it. While in Higuey we visited La Basilica Higuey.
We experienced the city life, the street vendors, the local bakery and ate with the locals. We met a very nice couple Isis and Carlos Rodriguez that are honeymooning. Isis was born and raised in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. She was a great person and a super friendly personality. We enjoyed their company all day.
Went back to Barcelo Bavaro and immediately enjoyed the sun, sand, sea !!!! Of course with our cocktail and champagne in hand. 
Time to catch up with Wendy and Mattie for dinner at La Comedie French Restaurant. 
We were very late and we ended up at Margarita Mexican Restaurant.
and the bar...
and Disco Dancing
Well back to civilization and of course the first order of the day.... my bubbly and Jane's Tequila Sunrise while lying down on the white sand! and more activities, how about a fisherman walking by the sea and pretend we went fishing with him, photo ops!!!! and then we caught a real big fish whoaa in a speedo!!!! Oooop's his partner (also in speedo) was just a step away.... we let him go!
We are late again for our Teppanyaki Dinner ! ughhh! Wendy was not a happy camper and Mattie called us in our room. Well we made it this time at Kyoto. 
The food was great, the company was even more greater until we all shared experiences of the incompetent front desk, inefficiency of services and the many unacceptable customer services .
Jane took all personally and felt she failed our expectation but she did not and mny times we told her
she got nothing to do with that. Well Mattie retired to bed afterwards and the three of us headed to our nightlife plan. Meeting Heather at the Club, Casino and Bar hopping. While at the bar, for some unknown reason I pointed to Jane why she have been in a habit of repeating things. Reminds me of another friend that told me bhaving kids makes you do that. Things went sour and the night was cut short. Jane walked away and left me and Wendy..... well fun got to continue! More drinks
and more casino! I came in the room and Jane apologized but not really! She was very condensending and totally ignored her!
Another day and Jane did not show up for breakfast. Hmmm she was really getting to my nerve this time. I finally confronted her and she cried that totally make me love her again !!!!
Jane got a confirmed seat and able to fly back home as planned. Wendy, Mattie and myself were left behind. This time we went to another RESORT called VIK Arena Blanca.
where we enjoyed the afternoon and watch the sunset and night time by the ocean. 
Our Hotel Lobby
Our room
The Dining Hall
Another Day in Paradise 
Following day Wendy and Mattie bought their tickets home and once again I got bumped! Although I wanted to stay longer but I also wanted to go home and be with JD nd Einstein. I finally got a seat
with US Airways and got home very late at night! Thankful afterall that all of us arrived safe to our families!
Overall it was a great vacation to all of us. We did not allow anything to ruin the fun except that night with Jane. That also prevented me to spend time with Heather, Seavonte and Kim. We move on and we created another chapter, another memory and lifetime of stories to tell.
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