I finally met KELI the newest addition to our family. She is a lovely baby with a very sweet personality considering she is only 4 months old. She knew she is love by all. Ate Gabi is equally awesome big sister to her. I enjoyed the bonding with Gabi. You can tell she can be a typical funny person like any member of our family. She makes me laugh in so many ways. She can be hilarious at one time and difficult the next time. Our eldest grandson Gab seems to be the typical teenager that is quiet with family but a bundle of joy with his friends. I love his quiet nature yet bold in some area. He is good with technology and I must admit can be a good looking model if he ever pursue that road. Victor despite his present predicaments he is trying to get out of it and become more productive. He got a long way to go and a lot of hard work and sacrifices to endure. Given his history he is a born survivor. I am hoping he find his niche and be able to give a comfortable and happy life to his family. Mark & Aileen are very much n synch in their lifestyle. Very endearing to see them lead a life according to their means. They are very self sufficient and creative in making the day to day living in accordance to their belief. One of the wonderful blessings is the fact they are all God centered and recognizes His power above all things.
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