Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 Almost Over, 2015 Almost here

Today 12/30/2014 is one of those days where I am so bless to be home even just for a day.  
Our home is a place of solace, laughters, commotion, craziness, serenity, arguments, name it you will find it here yet LOVE abounds thus I always want to be home even if it means less rest for me.

It also gives me time to be on my PJ all day without worrying of being called to be at the airport anytime soon.  Blessings on a day to day basis.  The best is playing with Einstein and goofing with JD.
Yes I called times like this my "Stinking Day!"

With all of that it also gives me time to remind myself  to think of others, to be in touch with friends and family, to catch up with communicating and remembering those in despair, in pain, in suffering.  By doing so it also catches on knowing life is vulnerable and must not be taken for granted.

As what a friend said and this applies to what I believe, be thankful and grateful for every good memory, laughters and lessons 2014 taught me.  I am very grateful to met new friends, established new relationships and make existing ones stronger, fortified those that are close to your heart and rekindle old ones.  I travelled and lived in multiple countries and places growing up and my younger years but 2014 gave me another opportunity to experienced fabulous places around the world.

From a Flight Attendant to becoming an International Purser I inherited responsibilities that are challenging yet full of rewards.  A career that developed my inherent people skills and love of human contacts, a career that gave me the opportunity to be involved in multiple charity works that are supported and generously provided by American Airlines.

My life changing experienced with UNICEF/AA Change for Good Program open my eyes to the meaning of little can be gigantic, small steps can bring a dying community back to life.  My first assignment as an Airline Ambassador that I failed in so many reasons yet when it happened I met the one of the most loving girl who waited 16 years to get that medical treatment to live a normal life.  The volunteering with Wings Foundation knowing it benefits my fellow Flight Attendants is another way of giving back a little.

There were millions of things happening in the world, in our country, in our community and even in our own household and at times difficult as it is to comprehend, it gives us reason to get involved and play a role that you are gifted with.  Even just exercising your right to suffrage can change the world.

I am not as eloquent as many but by writing what's in my heart will probably compensate for that.

My wishes for all :

May the tears of 2014 pave the way to more laughters in 2015
For all the grieving and heartaches of 2014, may 2015 brings joy and complete healing
For those memories that you wanted to fade and never remember in 2014, allow 2015 bring memories that you can cherish for the rest of your life
Those days of miseries in 2014, may 2015 you see rainbows and brighter days
All the sufferings, relationships lost, material losses in 2014, may 2015 replaced it with abundance in blessings, relationships that is encouraging and defies
For every good things that 2014 gave you may 2015 be even better.

To my friends and families my very best wishes for 2015 to bring us all peace, joy, stronger belief in what is pure, human and right.  May 2015 be the year of giving more kindness, more of thinking about yourself and your neighbors, more of being trustworthy and honest, more of many laughters and fun days, exploring, being healthy and most of all LOVE yourself and possess those qualities so you can share it with mankind.