When proud-pied April dress'd in all his trim
Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing,
That heavy Saturn laugh'd and leap'd with him.
Yet nor the lays of birds nor the sweet smell
Of different flowers in odour and in hue
Could make me any summer's story tell,
Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew;
Nor did I wonder at the lily's white,
Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;
They were but sweet, but figures of delight,
Drawn after you, you pattern of all those.
Yet seem'd it winter still, and, you away,
As with your shadow I with these did play."
- William Shakespeare, Sonnet 98
The magical beauty as the season change is almost similar to renewing and rejuvenating our soul. It gives us hope that there is always a time to make anew, to look forward and continue the path to growth. Standing by the deck admiring the tall trees with it's green leaves reaching for the sky, the blooms and fragrance of the flowers and bushes that somehow manage to call your attention as well. The magnificent beauty and serene athmosphere in our own backyard is nature's art . The music of the chirping birds as they happily stop by and flies to every direction.
This morning was a beautyiful one. My girlfriend Stephanie Watson whom I adored came for coffee. We discussed almost anything under the sun. Shared experiences and
talk about our family and the charity works we both passionately been working together for many years. Steph is one blessing to our lives. I consider her a confidant when things get rough. I never see her get truly aggresive unlike myself. I needed that. She is so level headed. She got Jake that we also adore and Ken is such a sweetheart. Today is one of those days when you wake up to the rising sun and a girlfriend comes over is an added joy to the day!
Even Einstein loves Spring. She sunbathed and enjoy the wonderful weather of Spring.
Einstein is our perfect canine in every way. Her love and devotion to us, to others and to the environment are characteristics that we can emulate from her.
Dogwood Trees with their lovely white flowers makes me wait day by day when it finally filled up the branches and make a statement on their own.
Coffee - Fruits - Friendship
A perfect way to start the day
For it brings us true joy
And a day that makes it easy.
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